New video on how to play short term pops

By Brad Stafford

We’re often asked at MarketClub just how to play short-term pops. Regardless if you are look at stocks, futures, or the forex market, it’s always the same… MarketClub Alerts.

With these Alerts you are getting a warning of a major move. It’s not that you are reacting to fundamentals, it’s just that when the technicals align, you are the first to know.

You see, no matter what happens, what methods you use, or what markets you trade, the following is always true: If you’re the first to know, you’re the first to profit!

This applies to our trading strategy, MarketClub Alerts, and the steps we need to take to capture profits and stay on the winning side of those short-term moves.

Please enjoy the video, as always its with our compliments.

See the Video Here.

Brad Stafford
Director of Marketing