Death, Taxes and the Technology Sector


Benjamin Franklin said, ‘in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.‘At the time Ben was right. But that was about 224 years ago. With all due respect Ben, the times have changed.

If he’d lived in today’s age he would probably change his view. There are actually three certainties in life. And death and taxes are certainly two of them.

But there’s another certainty that’s more useful to us…

Death never helped anyone build enormous wealth (unless you inherited money) and taxes…well that only gives money to the government to blow.

The ‘third certainty’ is the constant in life that most people never notice. It holds the potential to change everything.

The story of the third certainty isn’t just about making your life better either. With the right insight and knowledge, the third certainty will lead to immense wealth.

But like death and taxes, the third certainty comes with its fair share of risk. So it’s not just about how this will make life better. It’s also about knowing how to avoid the pitfalls.

To navigate this minefield you need to know the right pathway to take.

So by now you’re likely wondering what exactly is this third certainty? Well simply put, it’s technology.

From Fire to Quantum Computing

That’s a pretty broad subject matter and that’s precisely why it’s so important to have the inside word on what it entails.

You see technology is a certainty in life. Let me explain.

It all started when humans discovered fire. Soon enough with the help of some buffalo shoulder blades humans invented the shovel and axe. Fast forward 12,213 years and technology has advanced further than many can imagine.

Today, humans are responsible for creating the BRAIN project, Quantum Computers and soon, commercial space tourism.

You see technology has existed since the dawn of man. Our curiosity and our evolution dictate that we innovate and inevitably invent new technologies.

Of course technology in general is a very broad subject. Nonetheless it’s something that surrounds you on a daily basis.

It might be the alarm clock on your smartphone that wakes you up each day. It might be the sat-nav that directs you through the lightest traffic to work.

It might be the laptop you work on or the internet you browse. It might even be as simple as the credit card you use to buy groceries.

When you walk around this world with your eyes truly open you see technology in every facet of life. But sadly most people walk around with their eyes closed. Most people don’t see what the world truly offers.

The ‘eyes closed’ people are the ones who have probably already stopped reading this letter. They’re the ones who use words like ‘crazy’, ‘fad’ and ‘hype’.

But that’s okay because not everyone has the capability to recognize opportunity…even when it smacks them in the face.

Paris, Dubai, and…Birmingham

And not everyone who reads this or any of my other technology articles will initially understand all things I write about. But that’s okay too. That’s what I’m here for…to break it down and make heads and tails of it for you.

You can guarantee that over the next few years there will be thousands of ‘next big things’, when I’ll tell you about the next greatest move in technology.

But the difference is I don’t just trawl through articles from the BBC, Financial Times or Australian Financial Review.

My aim is to get the inside word on cutting edge technology. I do that by attending conferences and trade shows. That means going to exotic places like Paris for the LeWeb technology and innovation conference, and Dubai for the SIBOS money and banking conference.

It also means going to engineering trade shows in Birmingham and 3D printing exhibitions in the East End of London.

Importantly my role is to filter the dross from the winners. So when you read about these technological advances, you’ll get to appreciate how it can change your lifestyle, and hopefully also your life savings.

You see I live and breathe technology and what it holds for our future. For me the thrill of it all leads me to places and events where other likeminded individuals exist.

Take for example Jim Kor of Korecologic. I met him at the 3D Print Show in London. Jim made the world’s first 3D printed car. Then there’s Mark Sonter from Deep Space Industries, a pioneer of asteroid mining, and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland the MIT professor known as the Godfather of Big Data.

These are just some of the names I’ve already had first hand contact with to understand what future technologies are heading your way.

An Exciting Week in Technology

I have no doubt that we now sit at the beginning of a new era. This next 10-20 years will see unprecedented advances for humankind. Technology and innovation will be the driver for these new advances.

That’s what makes technology so interesting to observe and the investing opportunities so exciting.

I’m looking at a lot of great opportunities in the technology sector right now. And this week in Money Morning you’ll get a taste for the innovations I cover in the premium investment service Revolutionary Tech Investor.

Stay tuned for an exciting week. For example, one of the company’s I’m recommending to readers of Revolutionary Tech Investor is the early pioneer of 3D printing technology. It’s already gained 65% in the six months since we launched our premium investment service. It’s one of the many exciting developments we have to report about, which Kris will do in a few days time. Until then, in Money Morning this week you’ll get a taste for the innovations I cover in Revolutionary Tech Investor.

Sam Volkering+
Technology Analyst

Special Report: The ‘Wonder Weld’ That Could Triple Your Money

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