Dr. Tobias Preis of Tedx Zurich to Speak at 3rd Annual Social Mood Conference

Dr. Tobias Preis of Tedx Zurich to Speak at 3rd Annual Social Mood Conference

Preview what you can expect to hear from the scientist who founded Artemis Capital Asset Management

An exceptional gathering of movers and shakers in finance and behavioral research will share their latest work this April 14 in Atlanta, at the Georgia Tech Conference Center. From physics to psychology and hedge funds to herding, these thinkers will cover the vast yet interconnected disciplines in social mood research.

Dr. Tobias Preis is one such esteemed speaker. A physicist and complex systems scientist by training, Preis and his research team are at the cutting edge of financial systems modeling. Preis will share some of his latest work, from his role as Associate Professor of Behavioral Science and Finance at Warwick Business School in the United Kingdom.

His presentation at the Social Mood Conference, “Quantifying Economic Behavior Using Big Data,” will touch on many ideas he shares in the following video:

To learn how big data provides insight into financial market crises — and how patterns of interaction on the internet provide insight into different perceptions of economic wellbeing around the globe — you won’t want to miss Dr. Preis’ talk.

Register now to attend the 3rd Annual Social Mood Conference on April 14 in Atlanta, GA — and gain the opportunity to meet and mingle with others who follow the exciting new science of socionomics.

Reserve your seat today and save $50 >>

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