This week in monetary policy: China, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkey, South Africa, Paraguay, Russia, Angola and Eastern Caribbean

July 20, 2020


  This week – July 20 through July 25 – central banks from 12 countries or jurisdictions are scheduled to decide on monetary policy: China, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkey, South Africa, Paraguay, Russia, Angola and Eastern Caribbean.
 Following table includes the name of the country, the date of the next policy decision, the current policy rate, the result of the last policy decision, the change in the policy rate year to date, and the rate one year ago.
  The table is updated when the latest decisions are announced and can always accessed by clicking on This Week.
JUL 20 – JUL 25 2020:
CHINA 20-Jul 3.85% 0 -30 4.35% EM
KAZAKHSTAN 20-Jul 9.50% 0 25 9.00%
NIGERIA 20-Jul 12.50% -100 -100 13.50%
HUNGARY 21-Jul 0.75% -15 -15 0.90% EM
UZBEKISTAN 23-Jul 15.00% 0 -100 16.00%
UKRAINE 23-Jul 6.00% -200 -750 17.00% FM
TURKEY 23-Jul 8.25% 0 -375 19.75% EM
SOUTH AFRICA 23-Jul 3.75% -50 -275 6.50% EM
PARAGUAY 23-Jul 0.75% -50 -325 4.50%
RUSSIA 24-Jul 4.50% -100 -175 7.25% EM
ANGOLA 24-Jul 15.50% 0 0 15.50%
E. CARIBBEAN 24-Jul 2.00% -450 -450 6.50%