Technology That Will Change the World… Eventually


In a moment, I’ll share with you two technologies that I think are possibly the most important of the next decade.

They’re often called silly, crazy and impossible. But I believe at the right time with the right companies these technologies will be unbelievably profitable.

How can I be so certain? The truth is I can’t. When I tell most people what I do they usually ask me the same question, ‘What’s the future going to be like?’

In the space of a few seconds or minutes it’s an impossible question to answer.

Typically I’ll answer the question simply with, ‘Amazing!’

But with any kind of technology there’s a whole backstory to accompany it. The story may stretch over years, with wins and losses. And sometimes even complete failures. But often a rise from the ashes story also. Until you understand the process you cannot fully appreciate the brilliance of new technology.

Why Technology Development is Crucial to Follow

Because of the intrigue in technology, people like to tell others about it. However when it comes time to recall the details many people simply don’t remember. So they just go for the good stuff.

And as people tell other people it plays out like a game of Chinese whispers. Each time the story gets shorter. It gets to a point where the only part remaining is the end bit. Eventually the story starts to lose its appeal as people don’t appreciate the bigger picture.

At some point it comes full circle and you hear about this new tech from someone else. But by then the enthusiasm is gone, and it’s usually dismissed as a fad or crazy idea.

But most people don’t appreciate the blood sweat and tears that goes into bringing technology to market. Most people don’t understand the story behind these cutting edge technologies.

What we do at Revolutionary Tech Investor is to find the early stage technology. Then we tell subscribers the full story. Where it’s come from, and importantly where it’s going. And most importantly, how to profit from it.

More often than not the technologies we talk about seem wild, silly or even impossible. But at the end of the day, you understand that the crazy and impossible are usually the ones with the greatest potential.

These are the best kinds of stories to follow. Of course our main goal is to find investable companies that will profit from these technologies. However a big part is to identify opportunities before they present themselves. That places us in a position to let readers know quickly, so they can begin to profit from it.

When we identify technology to get excited about it won’t always have an investment opportunity. But more often than not at the right time, the right opportunity presents itself. And that flags us to let subscribers know about it.

I have a watch list of technology I keep track of. That brings me back to the two technologies I’m most excited about for the future. I’ll introduce you to the tech and to a couple of private companies involved in it all…

Bigger than the Discovery of Fire

I believe the first of these will have the biggest impact on mankind since the discovery of fire. That might sound like a grand statement, because it is. But this technology has the possibility to change everything.

It’s Fusion Power.

We’re talking about safe, clean, free, infinite power. When fusion power reaches its tipping point of efficiency, it becomes profitable, and then company making.

Say goodbye to fossil fuels. Oil will become redundant. Gas irrelevant. The power of the Saudis, Russians and Americans will wane as the world ceases its reliance on oil and gas.

Renewable energies, solar, wind, hydro, thermal…whatever they may be, will become pointless. Renewable energy is great to bridge the gap between where we are now and the arrival of fusion power. But eventually it will become as irrelevant as oil and gas will.

As it stands, there is no publicly investible company to capitalise on Fusion power right now. But that’s not to say there aren’t companies working on bringing fusion power to reality.

There are two I’ve kept my eye on for some time. One is General Fusion, a Canadian company with some strong private equity behind it. One of their investors is Bezos Expeditions, the private investment fund of Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos.

The other is Helion Energy. Helion have just brought their 4th prototype online. Helion aims to have profitable fusion energy in 2019. That’s just 6 years away.

Fusion essentially generates the power of the sun, but without the sun. It’s got enormous potential to reshape human history, from transport and space to energy and nuclear waste disposal.

It’s always been one of those technologies that’s been 20 years and 20 billion dollars away. But between Helion and General Fusion, Fusion Power is just around the corner.

To give you a comparison, just 10 years ago, the idea of commercial space travel seemed a lifetime away. Yet now multiple firms are working on it, to the extent that commercial space travel is just a matter of months from becoming reality.

The New Era of Computing

The second key technology on my watch list is Quantum Computing.

The rapid advancement over the last 30 years in computing has been extraordinary. Computer power has increased as microchip sizes have decreased. No doubt you’ve heard of it commonly referred to as Moore’s law.

Some of humankind’s biggest advancements are in part due to computer technology. The Human Genome Project, landing on the Moon and the internet are just some examples.

However, the world is approaching a point where technology is limited by the speed of existing computers. Computers and microchips aren’t getting small enough or fast enough to keep pace with new technology and science.

That means the next step in accelerating human advancement will come as we usher in a new era of computing. And that’s through quantum computing.

A quantum computer is like conventional computing on steroids. In a recent comparison a quantum computer was 50,000 times faster than a ‘normal’ high spec system. That’s right, 50,000 times faster!

However there is some debate about whether quantum computing is even real. I think there’s a bit of ego involved in it all. If a company can make the world’s most advanced computer, others should be trying to figure out how to beat it. That’s what competition is all about. Not bickering and squabbling.

Anyway, there is one company that has laid claim to having made the world’s first proper quantum computer. It’s a bold claim, which many scientists have disputed.

But regardless of the quantum mechanics deemed to make an official ‘quantum computer’ no one else seems to be even close to Dwave quantum computers.

The technology must be good. Otherwise Google and Lockheed Martin wouldn’t have shelled out possibly millions of dollars for one each.

Dwave’s computers are the very beginning of a new era of computer technology. It’s immensely exciting. The potential of quantum computing is like being back in the 80′s again.

In just 30 years think about how far the world has advanced because of computers. Now imagine that starting all over again, but 50,000 times more…and faster. It’s mind blowing.

With Fusion Power and Quantum computing some may say I’m a nutter or misguided. That’s fine by me. As long as you’re aware of these technologies and their potential, then when the time comes, you’ll know what to do and where to invest while others won’t.

Sam Volkering+
Technology Analyst, Revolutionary Tech Investor 

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