New Free Investor Report: 3 Dangerous Myths About Rising Bond Yields

Greetings Investor,

Now that interest rates are up 100% and bonds are down 20%, pundits are jumping aboard the forecast for rising yields.  But they are missing the most important parts of the story for investors: why yields are rising, and what that says about prosperity (it undercuts it dramatically) and inflation (think the opposite).

Elliott Wave International has just released a new report titled 3 Dangerous Myths About Rising Bond Yields to get the word out about the scenario most investors don’t even know is looming.

You cannot get this story from any other source – except from EWI.

Please learn more about this eye-opening new resource. The realities behind the myths are dangerous only to the investors who are unprepared. And you do not want to be a part of that herd.

Prepare yourself now – download this short free report from EWI today >>


About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International
Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.