13 Reasons You Should Attend the 2013 Social Mood Conference

13 Reasons You Should Attend the 2013 Social Mood Conference

Are you an entrepreneur, investor, trader, finance professional, researcher, professor, social scientist, behavioral economist or an expert in a related field?

If so, there are dozens of reasons to attend The 2013 Social Mood Conference. Here’s our “best of” list of those reasons, titled “13 Reasons to Attend the Social Mood Conference.” Click here to read the PDF brochure

Reason 1: YOU.

The first and foremost reason to attend The 2013 Social Mood Conference is you.

That’s right! You play a crucial role in our exciting event. “What do I have to offer?” you may wonder. The answer is: A LOT! Learn more

Reason 2: Mingle with the best and brightest in social mood research.

From Robert Prechter, the founder of social mood research, to finance professionals, such as Kevin Armstrong, a former investment manager of more than $8 billion in assets, Todd Harrison, the Emmy Award-winning founder of Minyanville.com, and Murray Gunn, the head of technical analysis for HSBC Bank, to enterprising researcher Jon Clifton, the man responsible for Gallup’s groundbreaking World Poll, you’ll rub shoulders with some of the most accomplished personalities in finance, big data and social science — today’s torchbearers of social mood research. Learn more

Reason 3: Understand the world.

Like our heliocentric solar system, evidence for socionomics — the reality that social mood drives social action (not the other way around) — has always been in place. Yet only now is it being explored and understood.

Have we figured it all out? Not even close. But like other breakthrough fields that have come before it, socionomics today is a train that is just leaving the station. Hence your extraordinary opportunity to get on board. Learn more

Reason 4: It’s your Golden Ticket to discovering the “next big things” — for an incredibly reasonable price.

Ask yourself this: What would I have paid to get in on the ground floor of lucrative trends — in big data, mobile technology, Internet search, personal computers — if I had the chance to turn back time to five, 10, 20 years ago? $1,000, $10,000, more?

The 2013 Social Mood Conference is your Golden Ticket to identify the “next big things.” When you attend this event, you will be equipped to pinpoint the developing trends — still in their infancy today — that will shape the future. Learn more

Reason 5: Don’t be left behind.

Social mood research is rapidly expanding its reach into governments, businesses and technologies around the globe.

Some of the biggest and fastest-growing organizations worldwide have discovered that social mood research is an invaluable tool that informs nearly every major decision they make. Learn more

Reason 6: Identify what people want — before they know they want it.

Understanding why people do what they do is only half the benefit of socionomics. Social mood research also helps you make precise forecasts about what people want — before they themselves know it. Learn more

Reason 7: Learn how the Emmy-winning founder of Minyanville.com uses “Social Mood as a Leading Indicator to the Stock Market.”

As a group, the 14 speakers at The 2013 Social Mood Conference offer a one-of-a-kind meeting of the minds. Yet many of the individuals alone provide enough reason to attend.

One such speaker is Todd Harrison, founder and CEO of MinyanvilleMedia, Inc., who will discuss how he uses “Social Mood as a Leading Indicator to the Stock Market.”

Recognize the name? Harrison, a Wall Street veteran and a consummate student of the markets, was featured in the 20th anniversary documentary of Oliver Stone’s hit film, Wall Street, and he’s a go-to expert for the major financial news outlets and periodicals. Learn more

Reason 8: Hear from the world-renowned poll researchers at Gallup.

A window into the minds of six billion people, Gallup’s World Poll tracks what many thought was immeasurable, including key states of mind around the world, such as fear, hope and attachment to one’s community.

Jon Clifton and Joe Daly will detail the World Poll’s most significant findings, and what all leaders in any organization, industry or government need to know about what people are thinking right now. Learn more

For the next five reasons, plus three bonus reasons, download the free PDF brochure, “13 Reasons to Attend the 2013 Social Mood Conference.”

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